Saturday, April 17, 2010

Personal Trainers view on SoloStrength FUSION "one stop shop" bodyweight exercise gym

WE LOVE BODYWEIGHT EXERCISE!  -  So do most Personal Training and Fitness Professionals.

It's Fast, hassle free, and does a GREAT job of keeping us fit! 

I recently asked a personal trainer why he was such a fan of the  SoloStrength FUSION system?
This is what the reply was:

It would be the best option for me because it is so functional. It brings you back to the most basic exercises that are crucial for strength, muscle, and flexibility development in people of all ages and fitness levels. Exercises can be modified  depending on someone's level of strength and fitness. Any regimen can be adapted for difficulty and progressions with stability and balance equipment, so it encompasses every section of the population, whether they are professional athletes or individuals just looking to get in shape and stay active. The trend in fitness is completely re-shifting toward its origin, when bodyweight exercises were universal. People are looking to get lean, lose weight, gain functional strength to improve their lives and sustain their health and longevity! The Solo-Strength does all of these things with minimal time commitment and stress on your body. It is a total body gym, only your body is the gym. Other options are a lot more expensive, geared towards bodybuilders, inefficient with space, focus on certain sections of the body, and do not promote the basic functional movements and flexibility that everyone needs.

I don't think I could say it better myself. 
Thanks for the feedback Bogdan.  Looking forward to sharing SoloStrength with more trainers and bodyweight exercise enthusiasts soon! for more information on how to order yours!

A complete gym for your home or personal training business all with one piece of equipment.
SoloStrength - The fastest fitness on earth

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just SUPER FAST FITNESS! - SoloStrength offers nothing but simplicity and great exercises


Get your FITNESS FAST with SoloStrength  

A system designed for beginner to professional training without the complexity.

Are you tired of all the hassle of driving to the gym?
Messing around with cables, weights, and machines?
Trying to talk yourself into getting started on a complex machine?

"By simplifying the exercise process and functionality

we maximize fitness results"

Built with Quality for your Home Gym
Personal Training Studio
Lifestyle Enjoyment
Sport Performance


Monday, April 12, 2010

SoloStrength doesn't AGE DISCRIMINATE - Get your FITNESS FAST today!

Do you like to workout in your PJ's? Underwear? Well maybe it's more fun to get all dolled up from time to time, but the reality is to fit in your workouts as often as you might like, you have to do it on the all sorts of circumstances, and if all have is 15 minutes - You better not spend it looking for your socks and shoes.

Welcome to the world of SoloStrength FUSION.  A FAST FITNESS system that uses bodyweight exercise that caters to the needs of all from the very beginner to professional trainers.

Quality built for your home gym, personal training studio, rehabilitation, sport performance and lifestyle enjoyment, SoloStrength offers a safe and simple option to get full body exercise to feel your best, without the hassles of cables, weights or machines.  Why complicate something as simple as exercise? We didn't.  

Take a look at Dianne our 39 year old home based personal trainer
or Dorothy, the 77 year old recovering from two hip replacements,
or Stan, the 40 year old "gym guy", 
or the 15 year old Kesia who is all about the PJ's.

SoloStrength offers something great for you at any some of our testimonials, and enjoy SoloStrength.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010



You love to workout.
Well, maybe you don't love to HAVE to workout, but you LOVE HOW IT FEELS.

You have everything you want in your life, but things are different now.
Kids, family, relationships, lots of demands on your time...and you want to do it all

In fact you know you need it, to keep up and manage the stress, 
to stay strong, healthy, fast, balanced. Ready to go on a moments notice
for whatever might come up in your day.

You aren't getting younger, but your attitude is...because you know
that YOUTHFUL is a by product of keeping FIT.

That energy, that youthful enthusiasm, that confidence and health
is what we call SOLOSTRENGTH.  
You have it in you...
and we bring it out naturally.

Simple, fast and safe bodyweight exercise, tightens, tones, and leans muscles.

Some Think It, Some Say It, You DO IT, and that's the difference.

For you to be consistently active and balanced in your exercise
your options must convenient, and fast.  The more simple the process, the better.

SoloStrength FUSION offers simplicity and versatility that compares to nothing else. 

Simple and quick adjustments the bar to change the resistance, from very beginner basic strength and toning exercises to elite fitness conditioning, 
on its own, or add fun with accessories like BOSU, Bands and Balls.



Tuesday, April 6, 2010

SoloStrength Bodyweight Exercise is THE FASTEST FITNESS ON EARTH



Solostrength Simplifies What the world has made difficult - EASY FAST FITNESS

Monday, April 5, 2010

SoloStrength FUSION - FASTEST FITNESS ON EARTH - Bodyweight Exercise and Stretching System: SoloStrength Targets the Boomer Market for Solutions to Simple, Fast Fitness

SoloStrength FUSION - FASTEST FITNESS ON EARTH - Bodyweight Exercise and Stretching System: SoloStrength Targets the Boomer Market for Solutions to Simple, Fast Fitness

SoloStrength Targets the Boomer Market for Solutions to Simple, Fast Fitness

Looking for the perfect gift to help mom and dad keep fit and strong to keep up with the grand kids?  Then look no further than the most simple, and convenient full body exercise system built to keep them moving faster than ever and strong enough to join you for long days in the park and full days at Disneyland.

Bodyweight exercise is simple. It's fast, because it engages more of the bodies muscles to do each of the movements, and your body works in a synergistic way to strengthen and tone the muscles, burn calories and lean the body.  Depending on the pace you keep, the cardio component engages benefits that strengthen the heart, and the low impact exercises help bone density, and overall mobility.  

SoloStrength offers a complete home gym (suitable for operating a personal training business with commercial grade construction for safety and durability) system that couldn't make full body exercise more simple and fun.  With super quick adjustments to the bar (less than 3 seconds), you go from body stretches, to pull up bars, lowered bar for self spotting (the real magic of the system is the ability to quickly adjust the bar to self spot or assist yourself to do the pull ups which offers additional lower body exercise benefits at the same time while you strengthen the upper body muscles), and push ups, every kind of abdominal exercise you can imagine, and a system of leg exercises that take you through a simple program of basic but very effective full body exercises that  can quickly grow from the needs of a very beginner to most advanced strength conditioning.

Interested in learning more on how to use SoloStrength for your busy life or get one for someone you know?

Try the website for free bodyweight exercise videos which demonstrate how the system is being used by everyday people in all age groups, professional athletics, and professional personal training businesses. 

SoloStrength is a simple solution to power your passions...the Fastest Fitness on Earth

TABATA Interval Training with SOLOSTRENGTH

What is a Tabata and how is it performed?

A Tabata Interval (also called a Tabata sequence) is an interval
training cycle of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by
10 seconds of rest, repeated without pause 8 times for a total of four
minutes. In a group context, you can keep score by counting how many
lifts/jumps/whatever you do in each of the 20 second rounds. Usually,
the round with the smallest number is your score. You can also count
total reps completed over the whole sequence.

History of the Tabata Interval

Credit for this simple and powerful training method belongs to its
namesake, Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National
Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Their groundbreaking
1996 study, published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports
& Exercise, provided documented evidence concerning the dramatic
physiological benefits of high-intensity intermittent training. After
just 6 weeks of testing, Dr. Tabata noted a 28% increase in anaerobic
capacity in his subjects, along with a 14% increase in their ability to
consume oxygen (V02Max). These results were witnessed in already
physically fit athletes. The conclusion was that just four minutes of
Tabata interval training could do more to boost aerobic and anaerobic
capacity than an hour of endurance exercise.

Although Dr. Tabata used a mechanically braked exercise cycle
machine, you can apply this protocol to almost any exercise. For
example, a basic Tabata workout can be performed with sit-ups. The more
muscles used the better, so use full knees-bent sit-ups. Sit-up non-stop
for 20-second intervals, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for a
total of 8 cycles.


Friday, April 2, 2010

What do EVA MENDES and SOLOSTRENGTH have in common??

You guessed it!
Both in German SHAPE Magazine!

 :) The Europeans LOVE their sleek designs and sexy looks!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

SoloStrength AMAZINGLY Simple and Fun Exercise for Old and Young

Imagine...if something that was so basic to life was made easier, and more obtainable for more people...would that be an idea worth sharing? 

IF the logic of simplicity and results literally conditioned us to take control of greater power for ourselves, even if it went against a long history of deception as to how it can be achieved. Would that be something exciting? 

Well it is to us, and we love to show off SoloStrength and share it with everyone. 

Interested? learn more at .

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


How can a simple bar offer exercise that is "high performance"?

What's High Performance?  Efficient, fast, and gets the results you want.


Originally developed for personal trainers working out of smaller spaces – FUSION is valuable tool due to its versatility and speed, and ability to do all the important basic exercises you need for strength, lean muscle and tone - but we have had a great response by consumers for use in their home gyms.  

FUSION can’t do anything different than other all in one fitness equipment pieces, but considering what it can do, and that it offers extreme simplicity, convenience and speed, we think its the best option available for people to enjoy great fitness levels in minimal time invested, for very beginners to elite conditioning exercises.  You can’t beat SoloStrength for simplicity, and great fitness.

The only “secret” about keeping fit…is consistency.  The ups and down in life, in and out of the gym, different seasons and popular activities and demands on your time, change the equation.  

We know that the best chance you have for keeping fit by maintaining consistency, is if what you are doing is extremely convenient, and fast.  SoloStrength FUSION comes with beginner to advanced exercise programs, uses only your own bodyweight for leveraged resistance training exercise (which is safe and as effective as weight lifting), and gets you done faster, and with less hassle then other options, and its FUN because you just start stretching, a few supported squats, and before you know it, you are into, through, and done your workout ready for a day living with SoloStrength. 

SoloStrength is lifetime fitness success.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tommy Europe Filming TV Show with SOLOSTRENGTH bodyweight exercise equipment

I was proud to work with Tommy Europe  with SoloStrength FUSION bodyweight exercise strength and stretching gym ( for training during some episodes in the new season of THE LAST 10 POUNDS.  He demonstrates a few of the exercises he puts the girls through and a few of his own that most people wouldn't even try - GREAT guy to work with and it was awesome to see SoloStrength in action.  As usual, creative trainers come up with many of their own exercises and ways to use FUSION in their personal training business.  Look for the episodes to air on SLICE network in late 2010 or join our SoloStrength FAN page to keep notice.

free bodyweight exercise weight loss fitness videos
SoloStrength Lifestyle and Fitness

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

SoloStrength at DRAGONS DEN audition! Follow our business growth on our FAN Page!

How do you raise growth capital for a small company? ANYWAY you can..DRAGON'S DEN audition was a blast, they had fun with us...we had fun with them, and you can follow our business growth journey by joining our fan page! We had some news coverage the next day check it out :)

SoloStrength FUSION - a beautifully simple tool that can be used for a pile of bodyweight exercise in a stand alone all in one system ideal for home gym and personal training professionals for their business, for beginners and elite fitness conditioning. or Join our FAN PAGE:


Bodyweight exercise and free fitness programs and videos.

Friday, November 27, 2009

SoloStrength bodyweight exercise on FUSION - Cardio kick with plank step ups and circuit! Killer workout!

http:// I added plank position running to a little circuit I have been enjoying on SoloStrength FUSION. This move totally beefed my cardio and core work and I completed 8 sets it was KILLER! Have you tried these?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fitness is Easy - SoloStrength Provides The Right Tools For Your Fitness Space

Why is SoloStrength a solution you should consider for your fitness needs?

1. It’s easy.

2. It’s fast.

3. It’s extremely effective.

Bodyweight exercise is and always has been the standard by which all of the fittest people condition their bodies. Gymnasts, military boot camp training, yoga, and Pilates, all the most effective activities for keeping our minds and bodies fit and energized, are bodyweight exercise based.

What we have done, was taken the best and most basic movements, and combined them with an extremely simple and fast system to use -the SoloStrength FUSION bodyweight exercise system, and by using simple movements and the most common accessories like BOSU, stability balls and resistance bands to have an endless array of exercises to satisfy every level of exercise capacity. In your home, personal training studio, wellness centre or gym, alone or with a partner (partner exercises are great with the fast bar changes and exercise transitions) SoloStrength is an extremely compact, all-in-one, well designed fitness solution. SoloStrength FUSION is ready when you are - there for you to enjoy each day.

Simply the best solution for every day fitness. Live strong everyday with SoloStrength. For more information, visit our website for pricing, shipping locations and availability.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Circuit intervals still ROCK

Today was one of those days...rush rush rush...get up, work, get my son up, get him ready for school, run out the door, on the way back from school drop off the truck for some service, and choose to run back to the office to get to work. Well a nice little warm up with the run, and thought I would try to add variety to my SoloStrength bodyweight workout by doing the program in circuit style interval training. Well, maybe it was the combination of energy I had for the day, a little espresso, I don't know, but I was JUICED today to hit it hard...psyched up to put all I had into trying to accomplish my full body 20 minute SoloStrength program, into 3 rounds of circuit training instead of in isolated set style. Well, I'm happy to report that it was AMAZING, sweat intensity, pump was maximum, heart rate bordering on my maximum, and I COULD ONLY COMPLETE 2 FULL CIRCUITS! I was bagged out at 15 minutes. Sometimes people who haven't tried the SoloStrength bodyweight exercise system how it can be so effective in such a short period of time? Those of you who are trainers and with field experience will understand, but I like to use the parallel of sprinting. If you were to go sprint on a field, to your maximum or near maximum for 15-20 do you think you would feel? If you did that 3-4 times a week, what kind of shape do you think you'd be in? Now add to that save, muscle toning, strengthening, posture and flexibility movements with little to no impact, and you have what is offered in the SoloStrength system. We don't suggest you replace anything you enjoy doing for your active living, SoloStrength simply supports the things you love to do, and gives you the benefit of great and sustainable fitness, for your lifetime. I feel amazing after that workout. Strong, stretched, mind and body engaged. Energy is positive, calm and direct. Learn more about the SoloStrength system for your best living here

Monday, July 27, 2009

Free BOSU offer with SoloStrenth Purchase

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Click here

SoloStrength is EXPANDING - Global Opportunities!

July 2009
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~href="">excellence is not an act but a habit


We are so pleased with the feedback from the launch of our SoloStrength FUSE!
We like to promote from within the industry of wellness, rehabilitation and lifestyle,
and if you are a fan of the great benefits of bodyweight exercising, and the smooth
simple lines and functionality of the FUSE, then we want to talk with you about
representing SoloStrength in your area!

If you are interested - please contact me at the address on this mailer, or if you
know someone that might be qualified as a distributor or interested in ourspecial
promotion below, please forward it along and share the benefits of living with SoloStrength
with someone today

Thank you for your support!
Michael Bulva
SoloStrength Lifestyle Products (Intl.) Corp.
this email


FREE BOSU !solostrength
realizing your own strength has never looked so good

Take advantage of our limited time offer and purchase your SoloStrength FUSE before
August 10th and receive a FREE BOSU for added stability and balance training!

Our Price:
S & H:$75.00-$250.00


NEW Video's on BLOGGo
to SoloStrength VLOG Now!

Checkout our VLOG for some feedback from REAL users, trainers, and professional
athletes enjoying the smooth simplicity and great workouts with SoloStrength!

Click the image to GO STRAIGHT THERE!


About Us
Thank you for your support! Together we share and promote functional training,
healthy living and the best energy to enjoy each day! Take measurable benefits
with you everyday with SoloStrength!

SoloStrength Lifestyle Products Corp.
North Vancouver, BC, Canada

Distributorships available worldwide - contact us today!

Latest Promotions

Free BOSU included with order
New Video's on BLOG
Seeking Global Representatives


Seeking Qualified
Distributors and representatives to help us efficiently deliver our quality system

If you have a business with quality traffic in the wellness business, and love bodyweight
training benefits as much as we do, we want to make it easy for you to represent
SoloStrength in your area, and share it with the people you care about.

Contact us today to inquire about regional or independent distributorships worldwide!



if you prefer to use our secure online store, and still take advantage of our offer
of a free BOSU with your SoloStrength Purchase, please print this coupon for your
mail order or quote code "SSBOSU2009" with your fax order. Thank you!

Offer Expires: August 10th/2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

repost: inspiration for keeping bodyfit

For me, using bodyweight exercise to stay fit, is summed up well by this post. The inspiration of how the body can freely move when it can handle it's own weight in any type of movement, is as described below by Zuzana "ultimate freedom". We call it SoloStrength.

Inspiring Fitness Video: How to Hollowback
Posted by Zuzana - BodyRock.Tv in All Videos, Diet and Nutrition, New Rock Your Body workout, fitness tips on 06 18th, 2009 | 4 responses

People have been asking me, how I keep my self motivated constantly and what inspires me, so I decided to post everything that inspires and motivates me here on

I am really interested in gymnastics and body weight drills so when I found this video on youtube, I liked it so much that I had to share it. These body weight drills require incredible strength, flexibility and not to mention balance and agility. Being able to handle your own bodyweight in any situation to me is like some kind of ultimate freedom that goes hand in hand with being strong, fit and healthy. The opposite of this feeling is having the sense that you are trapped in your own body. Movements are sluggesh, the body feels heavy, joints are stiff and there is almost a constant state of discomfort - not the way I would choose to live.

Enjoy this video and let me know what you think.



Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A surprised very fit trainer goes through the SoloStrength workout and is inspired to share the story...

It's always nice to see people on SoloStrength. For me, it's a sense of pride and joy to see the connection, the smiles, the ENERGY, they experience from all the movements. It's a challenge for everyone, but you can use it in so many different ways it's always exciting to see what people wind up doing. I've seen it used as a a Ballet bar, a stretching support, pull up bar, variable pressing bar, and other imaginative things I couldn't even suggest here, but suffice it to say, the versatility is always a big bragging point and something people exposed to it can't stop talking about. Did we design the SoloStrength for women? Well, yes, and no. We certainly considered the needs of women, and from the feedback of most, and what their interests were, the focus was on simplicity. Our goal? What is THE simplest way to provide a support for all the key movements and support for all the best exercise movements. To pass the discerning design tastes, it of course couldn't be an eyesore, and while it had to be substantial and strong, it couldn't be overbearing and unnecessarily large. Does the SoloStrength FUSE qualify? Yes. Is it a coincidence it doubles in off duty time as a great clothes rack better than most? Yes. We consider it a win/win :) Could it be said that the SoloStrength FUSE is the first all in one total body fitness equipment designed and built with the needs of women in mind? Sure, but then it wouldn't quite explain why it works so well for men (and kids) too, so while we we built it for the "most" discerning customer, we have to admit that it's just really that good, for everyone. Women like it for all the different programs that can be done on it (ballet, stretching, pilates, yoga, bodyweight strength and toning), and the speed which they can get through the adjustments without having to hassle with weights or complicated webbing/straps that are also optional. Men like it because they can BLAST their body so quickly, that it's the perfect compliment to cycling, running and sports training programs. Get on it, get out and have fun. It leaves you with incredible energy and total body fitness benefits. Sure, you can take it easy, but what people who are new to bodyweight training don't know is that it is harder and more challenging then you might think. Check out what superfit trainer Vernis Blair had for an experience.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Immitation as best form of flattery! The Atlas bodyweight gym

Today I came across the most exciting SoloStrength imitation product I have seen yet!  It's pretty rudimentary, and pretty straight forward.  It's called the Atlas Bodyweight gym, and it's great to see that more people are taking initiative to support and find solutions for body weight exercise training.  Of course in our opinion, it lacks design features and simplicity and quality experience that are built into the FUSE bodyweight exercise gym, but of course we are biased :).  People get to choose for themselves what is important to them, and what features are of most value for their needs.  When we designed the SoloStrength FUSE, we did it keeping in mind a little more than just the simplest movements.  As with any good design approach, the UI (user experience and interaction) with the product should be top choice.  Personally, I would get tired of adjusting those independent bars up and down in one workout, never mind doing it daily...that becomes work and takes the fun out of seamless, fast adjustments and flow of movements.  We like our artistic and thoughtful design, but maybe not everyone worries about that.  We like to think that what we use regularly affects our experience, and that is another reason why we designed the FUSE to look so nice.     We'll be keeping our eye out for more advancements to the industry, and are happy to see the options building!   

and visit our website for more inforomation on the FUSE and great new offers coming with our next season! 

Friday, May 22, 2009

May Blaiz bodyweight exercise workout on SoloStrength FUSE

May Blaiz, fitness competitor and wellness coach, wanted to run through the entire SoloStrength basic program...and we were delighted to see how quickly she enjoyed it!  She is really strong, but the full body weight pull ups were a bit difficult, which gave us a great way to show how moving to the selp spotted versions of the movements allows the FUSE to adapt to anyone's needs.

May brought her partner Vernis to introduce it to him as well, and after watching May, had to jump in and experience it for himself...some of the comments are priceless!  Thanks guys!  Great job!  

Vernis wanted to really hammer on SoloStrength so we invited him back for his own full on session and you can see the Video in out BLOG below or here.  They loved it so much, they took one for their new facility for Higher Level Fitness.  They love the ease of use, versatility and abilty to adjust it for all their clients needs. 

Good luck guys!  Keep on living high performance with SoloStrength!

Let us know if you have any questions:, or visit us

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Vernis Blair; Big Boy takes on the SoloStrength Total Bodyweight Exercise Program!

Vernis from Higher Level Fitness was enticed to take on the SoloStrength total bodyweight exercise challenge...we went hard...a little too hard maybe :) I think he was surprised and we didn't quite get through the workout! 

He and his partner May Blaiz ( put SoloStrength FUSE into their new gym facility (Higher Level Fitness)...and we are looking forward to doing more work with them!  

Suspension training and bodyweight exercise was made popular with the Navy SEAL inspired training and the great benefits it brings in simplicity and incredible fitness. The TRX is a good system limited by needing an anchor point, and of course, patience to manage all the strapping adjustments! While you can use the TRX system with SoloStrength FUSE to add even more versatility, we haven't really seen a need for it (since you can do everything and more with the FUSE) . We are getting great feedback from people using the total body exercises and generally they love the small footprint, overall design, and versatility that the FUSE offers. Ideal for home use or personal training studios...use SoloStrength to power your high performance lifestyle! Visit us at for more information on how to get yours today!

See what happens when Vernis goes hard in the video below!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Swoop 360 has a great approach and service for Corporate fitness

Today has a very positive email inquiry from the CEO of Swoop 360 - A service focussed on corporate wellness and personal development with digital personal training services.  Very cool concepts and information.  Check them out at

Bret, the CEO had this to say:

"The reason I am contacting you is because I came across your product in a magazine and I believe it is the perfect piece of equipment to complement our corporate fitness program and a product I would like to see used by our clientele in their in-house facilities.  Furthermore, part of our primary offerings to our clientele are digital trainers (downloadable workout programs for iPod, iPhone, Zune, Mobile Phone etc) and I think it would be great to create digital trainer workouts with the solo strength for our clientele.  Moreover, I am interested in getting a solostrength for myself and our trainers to use and to promote at fitness events as a tool that we use to help employers improve the level of fitness of their employees.  I really think it is a great product and as a long time personal trainer a product that all health clubs should integrate."

We love to hear it Bret!  Thank you and we look forward seeing your facilities enhanced with SoloStrength!  We have a great affiliate program for the best partners and are happy to help!  Keep up the great work at Swoop 360!

You can check out more at their blogspot at

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Great to connect with some local trainers and get feedback!

Today I had the great pleasure of sitting with Dan Webster of Titanium Fitness.  Dan has been a SoloStrength supporter since the start and has helped us to reach a greater number of people for feedback and review of SoloStrength through its early developmental stages.  Many thanks to Dan!

I have to take a moment to share that of all the trainers I know, Dan is one of the most genuine, educated and sincere personalities I have met.  That isn't to say I haven't met loads of great people in the industy, it's just that he's that good.  If you are Vancouver area based, and are looking for a great trainer for both 1on1 and bootcamp, you would do yourself a favour by calling him. 

We discussed our usual updates about the industry, status of SoloStrength development and teaming agreements, and developed a few interesting concepts for marketing I am really excited about.  More to come on these in a few days.  What's for certain, is that bodyweight exercise is the base of all sustainable life long fitness programs, and we are proud to have such an exciting tool to offer which supports it with more style and simplicity than anything else available. 

Leaving comment:  "lifestyle is made up of two of them you design"

Monday, March 16, 2009


Checkout our new homepage!

It isn't by's the coolest way to exercise!

"Beginner, Family, and Gladiator friendly"

Now you can get our professional bodyweight exercise video's formatted specifically for your iPhone or iPod! Ultimate convenience training guidance for your strength, balance improvement, stretching, isometric plyometric funtional kick butt  fitness!
Feel your SoloStrength TODAY!

Click here to view our 1 minute exercise program, that demonstrates the speed which you can adjust and flow through your customized exercise programs for MAXIMIZING your benefits!'s's feels GREAT. It's SoloStrength!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Customer feedback on SoloStrength home gym


Checkout the customer feedback below! We already know this, but it's great to recieve it....THANK YOU!

If you saw us last year...or want to see us again at the 2009 IHRSA show...we've gone MOBILE!

Contact MICHAEL (, or call/text:+1.604.818.6225 to setup a meeting!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

For International Sales and distribution opportunities please contact:

Checkout our new homepage!

Thanks a million!!

Here is my story about why I must have a SoloStrength.

First of all, I own the Iron Gym doorway pull-up bar, the PerfectPullup doorway bar, and a Functional Cross Trainer (dual cable weight machine). I use all of these.

Then I discovered SoloStrength. I cannot tell you how long I have been looking for something like this! As a gymnast and dancer this is the ultimate machine! Why? Because you can adjust the bar at about a zillion different heights to do the same exercises and stretches you do in gymnastics. For example, put the bar low, kick up into a handstand and do handstand push-ups - use the sides for balance! Put the bar at about the height of your waist and scoot under it and push yourself down into the splits. Now you can reach back for the bar and stretch into a “ring leap” position (where your hands touch your back foot). There are thousands of things I will be able to do with the SoloStrength. Thousands? Yes, because I will use other accessories like a my exercise ball, bosuball, rings (gymnastic like rings), the PerfectPullup swivel handles, stretching bands, etc. to do some extreme stretching and exercises But, the most important reason I must own a SoloStrength is for my children, Daniel (6 years old), and Dana (4 years old). Because I can adjust the height to fit their size, they too will be able to do everything that I can do with SoloStrength (with my help of course for some things).

The PerfectPullup is nice, but you have to permanently attach it to your doorway – which is not very pretty - and if your doorway is not perfectly square (which the majority are not) then it can damage your door when you swing it down. The other thing is you have to put is so high that when you do a pullup your head goes above the top of the door – it’s just not pleasant having to worry about hitting your face on the door. You can swing the bar down into a lower position but it does not lock into place so it’s like a trapeze. You cannot do as many exercises on a swinging bar. This is the same reason I cannot use the horizontal bar on my Functional Cross Trainer for many exercises – it swings, rotates (rolls), and moves left and right.

The Iron Gym is great because you can remove it from your doorway and you don’t hit your face on the door when you do a pullup. However, you cannot close your door with it installed, and when you take it down, make sure you have a convenient place to put it so you and your family don’t trip over it.

Investing in a SoloStrength is investing not only in my health but my children’s health!!

~ Meredith


Michael and the SoloStrength team.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fitness equipment affiliate program with SoloStrength bodyweight exercise gym equipment

If you get big traffic on your fitness/health/wellness website, you can

make up to $100.00 for click through traffic that purchases our bodyweight exercise gym system simply by registering for our affiliate program and putting an image on your website to share with your viewers! We only sell directly through online channels and are happy to pay for your support! If you love bodyweight exercise suitable for family and personal training gyms, and love simple functionality and maximum versatility, then let's work together! Setup in under 10 minutes! Please visit our affiliate information site HERE and let us know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bodyweight Exercise IS SoloStrength

Have you seen the SoloStrength system? I'm starting to think we should consider calling it the Bodyweight Exercises home gym! Thank you for the tremendous support and feedback! We are particularly happy to hear that not only are people enjoying it in their home gyms, but the amount of personal trainers that are using the SoloStrength bodyweight exercises and the versatile SoloStrength FUSE fitness equipment with their clients! Most are using it almost exclusively as their all-in-one station and adding the suggested accessories for more challenging movements and exercises. We have some exciting video interviews with some local trainers coming in the next few days! Until then, live strong every day fitness with SoloStrength!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Who uses bodyweight exercise with SoloStrength?

The SoloStrength Bodyweight Exercise Circuit Training gym is used by all different kinds of people at every age and stage in life.   For Balance training, strength training and overall body conditioning, the simplicity of use is what attracts people, and keeps them active on the versatile and easy to follow programs.  Professionals and trainers can come up with new movements all day long on SoloStrength.  Beginners find the easy to learn natural body movements which make up our Lifestyle Program for strength, energy and body toning, very attractive and simple to follow.  Take a look at some of the profiles of users from 12-77 years old, and find more information on the video interviews here.  Live strong everyday with SoloStrength!

Great Bodyweight Exercise and fitness reference!

I came across this nicely compiled reference for bodyweight exercise information that I felt would be valuable to share with those of you considering our SoloStrength system.  It's apparent how exciting the benefits of bodyweight exercise are, for all people regardless of age and stage of life and fitness, and by of course adding the simplicity of use of our SoloStrength all-in-one fitness system, and the versatility by adding common fitness accessories such as BOSU, exercise balls, and resistance bands, you can enjoy living strong, everyday, with SoloStrength!  For more information on bodyweight training please view this site , and our website for product information on SoloStrength website

Are you setting up a new home gym or personal training studio? is a new piece of equipment you don't want to be without, the SoloStrength bodyweight exercise stretching, balance and strength circuit trainer. The best value all-in-one station on the market. Professional grade to beginner use, the ultimate simplicity, versatility and progressive clean design will impress you, the feeling from using it, will amaze you. Live strong everyday, enjoy living with SoloStrength! More information at


Are you are looking for better ways to keep you, and your family fit and healthy?

We, at SoloStrength, have the best solution for you.


WHY? SoloStrength utilizes the two most effective exercise techniques for keeping fit, with a beautifully designed and easy to learn and use system, for exciting benefits and results that will amaze you. 

Again, WHY?  Body weight exercise and circuit training are effective - VERY effective for every type of person.  Professional athletes use our system and techniques and by adding simple accessories like weighted vests, BOSU, Swiss exercise balls, and resistance bands.  Beginners enjoy the simplicity of learning our exercises; the natural movements that help them feel strong, connected and energized right from the first time the use the SoloStrength bodyweight exercise system.    All the movements are supported with a secure bar easily adjusted to provide the best support (and adjust resistance levels for strength training), to improve balance, strength, energy, muscle tone, and mind/body connection to yield great feelings of health and experience life at its best.

Kids naturally know how to use it, and by watching you, they learn even more the value of certain movements and exercises for engaging their bodies and mind to be strong, positive and energized for a constant state of being ready – ready for sport, activity and life. 

What happens? When you use SoloStrength body weight exercises, your body and mind connect, you gain strength, your body engages, your muscles, tone, and you will gain whatever level of fitness you desire, supporting your activity with well portioned diet and rest. 

What is the best exercise? What is the most energized you can feel?  What is the feeling of energy and fitness and feeling ready for taking on everything in life the best you can?  We call it SoloStrength; simply the best solution for everyday fitness.  The real way, the natural way, the simple way.  Live strong everyday with SoloStrength.  Triumph over the challenges of modern living and keeping fit.  We know you will be satisfied, and guarantee it with a free trial for 30 days.  For more information visit our website for shipping locations and availability.